
IBD supports the multidimensional concept of sustainable development – in its environmental, social and economic aspects – with a medium to long term ethical approach, constructive spirit and outlook towards the future

IBD sostenibilita intro

The environment at the forefront

IBD – Italian Bathroom Design is attentive to the environment and values green-sensitive companies by making investments in production and management processes focused on sustainability, according to the circular economy’s production model, so as to stimulate innovation and economic growth.
italian bathroom design
italian bathroom design

We apply transparent protocols and prioritise safety and prevention in the workplace

The manifesto

The concept of sustainable development is based on four aspects: the environment, economy, business and people. Economic sustainability concerns the ability of an economic system to generate profit and work in a sustainable way; environmental sustainability regards the protection of the ecosystem and restoring of natural resources; social sustainability is the ability to ensure conditions of human well-being to thus achieve a development capable of ensuring the needs of current generations without compromising the possibility of future generations to achieve theirs.
italian bathroom design

A sustainable production cycle

The work cycle of the IBD companies follow specific standards, certified by primary Bodies in charge of periodically controlling and checking the respective procedures highlighted in corporate green reports. In particular, the EPD certification which, through the LCA analysis, assess the environmental impact of a product along its entire life cycle.
italian bathroom design

The processes aimed at ensuring the validity of products involve checking some production steps

Heat recovery system

Energy savings
to reduce energy consumption.

Purification plant

Water purification plant
for recovering purified water.

Solar power plant

Solar power plant
to produce renewable energy.

Reduction of electric power consumption

Energy consumption reduction
constantly monitored and reduced by using LED lighting in the plants and by adopting high-efficiency motors for the main plants and compressors provided with latest generation inverters.

Waste recycling

Recycling production waste
that can be reused to produce the ceramic mixtures.

Automated plants

Automated systems
for less health risks for workers, less environmental impact by using the resources efficiently, greater product quality and greater water savings.
The IBD model